
Humphrey - Large format CNC mill

Create GCODE for milling job

Prepare machine

  • Place workpiece on sacrificial layer
  • Click home button next to computer > machine moves to home
  • Enter the home coordinates G92 X642 Y35 (type in control software command field)
  • Insert milling bit
  • Turn on spindle m3
  • Use jog buttons to move down Z in small steps until you hear tool touching working piece
  • Set Z to zero
  • Move up Z
  • Turn off spindle m5
WARNING: Make sure workpiece lies flat on sacrificial layer. If it's bent the mill might catch it while making travel moves

Settings for aluminium

  • DOC 0.1 mm
  • feed rate 16 mm/s
  • Tool: 2 mm diameter, 4 flutes

These settings worked but I’m sure they could be tweaked to go faster.

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