Robland Z320 manual

Motor replacement

The specification of the new and old motor doesn’t match exactly therefore the new motor can’t be operated in the same way like the old one.

Original motor:

Replacement motor:

Disable delta mode

The control of the format saw starts the motor in star configuration and switches to delta after 3 seconds.

The new motor draws to much current in the delta configuration. To be able to use the motor temporarily I changed the wiring so that the motor is permanently run in star configuration.

I re-wired the timer module so that it never switches mode:

Original wiring:

Modified wiring:

  • connect 65 together with 55
  • disconnect 68 (just left floating without connecting anywhere)

Change motor direction

When wiring the new motor in the same way as the old one it turns in the wrong direction. I switched two of the wires going to the motor to invert the direction.

